Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Call, Tweet, Post, Poke, Friend or Write

There are lots of ways to contact FloorPlanOnline these Days. Here are some channels and tools you might find helpful:

Weve been on Twitter for 2plus years - at first it was just a way to test new tools for agents - now our clients and homeowners can post listings and comments to twitter!
Active Rain is the Social Networking site for Real Estate Agents. We work with agents in this community to help them Market homes more effectively online. You might want to snoop around the Active Rain community to investigate Real Estate related questions.
Just like Twitter, we joined Facebook for the fun of it - and now agents, homeowners and friends can post floorplanonline tours to Facebook - and comment on the listings!
Just our Sales Website - but it is packed with info about our Two types of tours, limitless service and record setting client care team.

FloorPlanOnline Phone Number
Yup - we still have one, give us a ring during business hours for real live people. 866-810-3816

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